Sunday, November 16, 2008

Johnny's Toys

We succeeded in wearing them out, don't ya think?
Tripp & Zak at the water table.

Tripp doing ballet.

The ball pit!

Big, fun slide!

Visiting with the Hendricks boys!

Tripp sportin' the cowboy hat at Johnny's Toys.
Tripp & Zak playing so nice together!

The three "Diegos" taking a bath.

Such love!

Max, Tripp and Zak chasing each other around Heather's house.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tripp going on a hayride at Jill's this weekend.
Mommy and Tripp waitin' on the hayride to start!

Tripp in the lil red wagon with Kadie and her friend.

Pumpkin paintin' is fun!!!

Tripp loved the new trampoline Kadie got for her birthday.

Janelle, Amelia, and Tripp in front of the giant inflatable at Sarah & David's. They went all out for Halloween!
Tripp trick or treating with his sucker! He kept wanting to open all the candy people were giving him.
Tripp & Mommy before trick or treating.

Tripp standing in front of the picture collage Sarah & I made; it had pictures of Riley & Claudia in their various Halloween costumes.

Janelle, Dora, Tripp, and Amelia

This is all the balloons that we released on the 3 month anniversary of the girls passing. A bunch of us gathered at the cemetary pond to be together and just remember them.
Tripp loved climbing this tree; it was just his size!

Tripp and his sucker! The kids behind him were feeding the Cave Hill ducks.

Tripp being attacked by the balloons.

Amelia and Trippy

Tripp getting ready to blow out his candle on his 2nd birthday!
Opening ALL those presents; the kids helped.

Jumpy fun!

Sweet Amelia and her boyfriend, Trippy, as she calls him. :-)

Tripp's Thomas the Train birthday cake; he loved it!

Tripp & Amelia walking thru the pumpkin patch at Hubers in Indiana.
Mommy & Tripp on the wagon ride to the pumkin patch; he loves the wagon ride!

Janelle, Tripp, & Amelia sitting on pumkins!

Here piggie piggie!!!

Mommy & Tripp having a fun day at Hubers.